Fall Registration

Submitted by wm-orchardhills on

Online Registration will open July 25th, 2018.  Use the "Registration" link on the left in order to register your child.

Walk-in Registration will be August 1st, 2018 from 8:00am to 4:00pm.  This will be only for those who:

Outstanding Classified Employee-- Mr. Rick Wall

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

Mr. Rick Wall won the Horace Mann Outstanding Classified Employee Award.  Mr. Wall is an amazing custodian at Orchard Hills!  He is always smiling and saying hello to everyone and he is always willing to help.  He keeps the school very clean and everyone notices how nice the school looks.  We sure appreciate him and all he does at Orchard Hills.  Congratulations Mr. Wall!

Kindergarten Graduation

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The kindergartners of the year 2017-2018 have graduated and are so excited to move on to first grade!  We are sad to see them go but they have worked so hard and have accomplished so much this year.  Good luck to them! 

Fourth Grade County Fair

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The fourth grade held its County Fair on Friday May 11. Parents and students from Orchard Hills were invited to walk through the classrooms and look at the county displays created by each fourth grader. Students were required to write an informational report on an assigned country from Utah, focusing on the county's geography, people of importance, economy, and many other interesting facts about their county. The final reports were culminated in colorful and creative displays. Utah has 29 counties, can you sing, or name them all?

Joni Cheney

Hope of America

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

Orchard Hills fifth graders were able to join other fifth graders throughout the county and participate in the patriotic Hope of America performance.  

First Grade Field Trip

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The first graders loved their field trip!  They went to BYU Bean Museum and then to the Springville Art Museum.  At the Springville Art Muesum they had some time to sit and draw and sketch.  

Kim Andrews

PTA Race for Education

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

On Friday the PTA hosted a Race for Education fundraiser.  All the students participated by running, walking, and jogging.  They all had so much fun!  Thank you PTA for such a fun activity for the students.