Johnny Appleseed Day in First Grade

Submitted by riley.winward on

First grade celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Wednesday! They had a visit from Johnny Appleseed, himself! They also did a number of apple themed activities, including apple volcano science, bobbing for apples, apple art, peeling apples, and writing about how to cook applesauce and apple pie. They even got to eat homemade applesauce at the end of the day!

Jenni Coon, Christy Collier, Kim Andrews

Letters for Firefighters

Submitted by riley.winward on

This week, many classes from Orchard Hills participated in writing letters and drawing pictures for our brave firefighters who work so hard to keep our community safe. We are so grateful for them!

Brianne Brower, Kathy Kelley, Joni Cheney, Stephanie Wood, Jeanette Dunn, Christy Collier, Clay Craig, Jenni Coon, Riley Winward

Reflections 2018

Submitted by riley.winward on

Reflections is an awesome program our school takes part in every year, where students can submit original works of art based on a certain theme. This year's Reflections theme is "Heroes Around Me." Students may create an original work of art from six categories: visual arts, photography, literature, music composition, dance choreography, and film production. Entries should be turned in to the office by October 17th. See the video link below, the attached flyer, or the information pages in the office for more details. We can't wait to see your entries!

Melissa Nielsen

Utah Opera Assembly

Submitted by riley.winward on

Some members of the Utah Opera came to our school today for an assembly! They taught us many different things about music and opera, and we also got to see some fun performances. Thank you, Utah Opera!

September 11th in 5th Grade

Submitted by riley.winward on

Today, fifth graders learned about and reflected on the events that occured on September 11th and the days that followed. They participated in class discussions, wrote letters to local police and firefighters, and made flag pins to help them remember the things they will learn about in American history this year, and to appreciate those who sacrificed on this day 17 years ago.