School out at noon on March 19th for a District Development Day! Lunch will be served one hour earlier than usual. No PM Kindergarten.
about 8 hours ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
District Development Day - School Out at Noon
Please click the link below to access a slideshow with pictures of our students participating in Dr. Seuss week activities!
3 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Crazy Hair Day - Dr. Seuss Week
Congratulations to our February Driver's of the Month! Thank you for being great examples to the students at Orchard Hills!
7 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Drivers of the Month February
Orchard Hills is proud to recognize Mrs. Hendershot as an Outstanding Employee for her unwavering dedication to both students and staff in the lunchroom. Mrs. Hendershot plays a pivotal role in ensuring that breakfast and lunch are served on time to our 740 students—no easy feat! We are incredibly grateful for the knowledge, expertise, hard work, and positive attitude she brings to Orchard Hills each day. Thank you, Mrs. Hendershot, for all that you do—your efforts are truly appreciated, and you are amazing!
8 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Mrs. Hendershot - Outstanding Employee Award
Mrs. Hendershot - Outstanding Employee Award
Mrs. Hendershot - Outstanding Employee Award
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place March 12th & 13th, 2025. Please make sure you have signed up for a time with your student's teacher.
10 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Parent Teacher Conference Dates
Our Second grade classes had a really cool visit from Christian Newman's parents where his dad (a beekeeper) shared everything he knows about bees. This went right with our CKLA Knowledge domain on insects and the kids were really excited (and scared because he tricked them with a speaker playing bee buzzing sounds hidden inside a box marked "Caution: Live Bees". April Fool's came early to our grade!
16 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
Second Grade Bee Keeper Visit
School Community Council March 6th, 3:45-4:45pm.
17 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
School Community Council
Please check the flyer for dress up days for Dr. Seuss Week March 3rd - 7th. On Wednesday, March 5th, we will have our Books and Buddies event. At 8:45am on the 5th, the school/lunchroom and classrooms will be open for parents to come to the school and have a treat and reading time with your student. Mark your calendars now!
18 days ago, Chari Sorensen
Dr. Seuss Week March 3rd-7th
No School, Monday, Feb. 17th in honor of Presidents Day.
28 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Presidents Day - No School
Santaquin Kids Marathon: Kids can register at and download their tracking sheet. 🏃‍♂️ From the moment they sign up until June 7th, they log 25 miles—they can run, walk, or even skip (just no wheels!). 🎉 Then, on June 7th, they join us at our Family Fitness Festival, where they’ll complete their final 1.2 miles and earn the coolest medal ever! 🏅 This is such a fun way for kids to set a goal, stay active, and experience the joy of achieving something big! The grand finale is not just about crossing the finish line—it’s a celebration of their hard work!
29 days ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Santaquin Kids Marathon
Santaquin Kids Marathon
Congratulations to the winners of the Yearbook Cover Contest! We had so many fantastic entries that it was hard to choose, we sure have a lot of talented students at Orchard Hills. The overall winner will have her desgin featured on the cover of the Yearbook for the 24-25 year. Way to go, Cambria! Overall Cover Winner: Cambria Mitchell Kindergarten Winner: Ashlyn Smith 1st Grade Winner: Madeline Garrett 2nd Grade Winner: Scarlett Mabey 3rd Grade Winner: Elliott Anderson 4th Grade Winner: Kseniya Bagley 5th Grade Winner: Daleysa Lara
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Yearbook Cover Contest Winners
In honor of National School Counselor Week, we wanted to shout out our very own Mrs. Bradley for the amazing work she does at Orchard Hills day in and day out. We appreciate how dedicated she is to helping our students succeed and the support she always gives to the teachers and staff. We are lucky to have you, Mrs. Bradley and we hope you know how valued you are!
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
National School Counselor Week - Mrs. Bradley
Congratulations to our Drivers of the Month for January! Thank you for being a positive example to those around you and for helping to make Orchard Hills such a great place to learn. Keep up the great work, we are so proud of you all!
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Drivers of the Month January
Please click on the link to access the February Newsletter.
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
February Newsletter
School Community Council Feb. 6th, 3:45pm-4:45pm.
about 1 month ago, Chari Sorensen
School Community Council
Caught You Caring Week schedule for Feb. 10th-14th.
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Caught You Caring Week
We are so excited to announce the results of the 5th grade keyboarding contest! One of our very own Orchard Hills students won first prize and $100. Noah Winder is the $100 winner as well as the Golden Keyboard winner for Orchard Hills. Kate Mattinson also won a cash prize for being in the top 15! Mason Roberts, Max Lindsay, Joshua Mitchell, Ty Nielsen and Zac Oberg were also recognized for being excellent keyboarders. Congratulations to all of our winners for their hard work, you are rockstars!
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Overall Keyboarding Winner
Top Two Keyboarding Winners
Keyboarding Winners
Keyboarding Winners
Congratulations to Mrs. McEntire for being awarded the Innovator of the Year for Principals in Nebo School District! Mrs. McEntire implemented a new program this year where we honor our students of the month with a Victory Walk through the halls, the students and teachers clap and cheer for the students of the month, it has quickly become such an exciting tradition. We decided to surprise Mrs. McEntire with a Victory Walk of her own! Thank you for all that you do for the students and staff here at Orchard Hills, we are lucky to have you!
about 1 month ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Mrs. McEntire Innovator Award
Mrs. McEntire Innovator Award
Mrs. McEntire Victory Walk
Fiiz BOGO (buy one get one) cards will be available for purchase starting Monday, January 27th through February 7th. The cards are $15 each and have 10 BOGO punches. BOGO cards are good for use at the Santaquin Fiiz location only.
about 2 months ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Spirit Week - Fiiz
Yearbooks are on sale now! Click the link to pay online: and enter code: OrchardHillsYB25
about 2 months ago, Orchard Hills Elementary
Yearbooks On Sale Now!