Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by chari.sorensen on
We love our teachers!
Macie Steele Delivers Treats for Teachers
Teacher Appreciation Week
Macie Steele Delivers Gifts for Teachers
Lance Group Dropped Off Drink Cups
Macie Steele Delivers Plants for Teachers
Teachers Enjoying Lunch
PTA Luncheon
Jared Steele Cooking Lunch

We celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st-5th.  We are lucky at Orchard Hills to have some of the best and most dedicated teachers and staff in the state.  The amount of time and energy that our teachers put into preparing lessons and creating an environment ripe for learning is immeasurable.  Teaching isn't an easy job but, our teachers go above and beyond because they love their students and want them to succeed! 

Thank you to the PTA for all that you did for Teacher Appreciation Week, especially Macie Steele.  Macie was here EVERY SINGLE DAY dropping off treats, presents and just being a ray of sunshine that was so needed.  Macie and her husband even barbequed for our staff in cold and windy conditions so that we would have a nice lunch!  Also, thank you to the Lance Group for the drink gift cards and awesome drink cups with one of our favorite Dr. Seuss quotes " The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you will go." 

THANK YOU, TEACHERS!  We love you and we appreciate all you do, it doesn't go unnoticed!