Cougar Choir Performance

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The amazing Cougar Choir performed their Christmas concert today for the school and they will perform tonight for parents and other guests.  They have worked so hard the past few months and they sounded great.  The Cougar Choir is directed by Mrs. Kathy Kelley and accompanied by Miss Mary Blackner.  The choir is for students 4th-6th grade.  If any students 4th-6th grade want to join sign-ups are going on right now.   They can sign up through the 4-H Program.  

First Grade Program

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The first graders helped us get in the Christmas spirit.  Today they performed Christmas songs for the school and their parents.  They did such a good job.  They all want their 2 front teeth for Christmas! 

Annual Turkey Gobble Off Winners

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

Today Orchard Hills held its annual Turkey Gobble Off.  Each class picked a winner and then a grade level winner was picked.  Then a winner for grades K-2 was picked a winner from grades 3-6 was picked.  We have some great gobblers here!  Have  a Happy Thanksgiving!

K- Raquel Francom in  Mrs. Larsen

1st - Josslin Elliot in Mrs. Coon

2nd - Ruby Macdonald in Mrs. Pruett

3rd - Berlyn Harrow in Mrs. Dunn

4th - Easton Durrant in Mr. Craig

5th - Henry Openshaw in Mrs. Bascom

Sixth Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

The sixth grade created their very own Wax Museum.  Each student researched somebody who had a positive influence on the world.  After researching and writing bio-riddles, they created boards to share with both the school and parents.  Eight students had the opportunity to share their bio-riddle with the parents: Isabelle Crossley, Jarrisen Egan, Ellie Kapp, Dalan Durrant, Addison Terry, Corbin Carter, Brooklyn Hone, and Logan Dahl. We had a great night!

Introducing Second Grade Teachers

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Introducing Orchard Hills Second Grade Teachers

Mrs. Sharilee McMullin grew up in Mesa, Arizona.  Her dad is her hero because he was the happiest most positive person she knew.  He always taught her to look for the best in people.  Mrs. McMullin loves being a teacher to so many amazing kids and a mom to the cutest two boys in town. 

Thank You Veterans!

Submitted by adrian.rowley on

To honor and thank the local veterans students and classes wrote letters and made posters for veterans.  The letters and posters were delivered to the veterans at the Veterans Home in Payson.  Thank you to those who have and who currently serve our country.